
Friday, January 18, 2013

Family Room Blanket Storage

I saw this idea on Pinterest and knew I had to do it in our family room. We have quite a bit of black furniture in the room, so I started by looking for ladders that had a "used" look.

Brent and I took a stroll through downtown Littleton one afternoon and found a great antique store with several old painter's ladders. I didn't need the 12 foot length since our ceilings are only 8 feet. The owner agreed to cut it down to the size I needed.

We got it home and I gave it a little sanding on the really rough spots so it wouldn't snag the blankets. I left all the paint drips and raw wood. Then it went in the house and the blankets were hung. Viola! Easy.

Our fun blankets are easy to access and displayed prominently now. I love how the ladder draws the eye up in the room since it almost reaches the ceiling.
