
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Unique Recipe Storage

I realize that in this modern day and age most young cooks, my daughter included, merely pull up a recipe from online, but I, and probably anyone else born around the 1950's or before, still love their old recipe cards and cookbooks. I have numerous recipes I love. Some are so covered with smudges and stains that I can hardly read them. Some were neatly printed on cards as a new bride in the 1970's. Some came from a family member, neighbor, or church friend. They are all precious and take up a lot of room.

My storage solution is an old oak four drawer file cabinet. It actually holds more 3 x 5 recipe cards than I have. It sits on my kitchen countertop, holding all those old tried and true recipes just waiting for my next culinary adventure.

How do you store all your treasured recipes?


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