
Friday, December 19, 2014

Home For The Holidays Part 3: The Final Touches

I am almost out of time, so I had better be finished with the holiday decorating.  I was waiting for it to snow before taking these pictures, but the weather is just not cooperating.  Since Christmas is arriving within days, I decided to show these last final touches anyway. View part 1 and part 2 for more.

The front door area gets traditional Christmas touches with greenery, red berries, and red bows.  The chalkboard now greets visitors with Winter Blessings (so it will last on into February).  How lazy am I.....making it last all winter?

The shop even gets a wreath and red bow on its door.

The last bit of outdoor décor is sprucing up the "Funky Junk Mailbox".  It also gets greenery and a big red bow.  (The Mailman loves this!)

I did redo one thing inside that I had shown in the Part 2 post.  I had hung a greenery spray by the entry closet but then I found this great distressed black wall hanger "thing-a-ma-jig"  at the local thrift store and decided it was perfect.

And then, most importantly of all.......the very reason for the Christmas Season, the Nativity announcing the arrival of the Blessed Christ Child.  My Nativity was a gift to me from Karli years ago and is very precious.

I hope that you too have precious memories of this Blessed Season from years past that live forever in your heart.   May you move into the New Year filled with Love and Joy.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,

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