
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Another Closet Door Story

It has been quite some time since I decided I was making over all of the bi-fold closet doors in our home. You can check out my first closet door makeover here (our most popular post to date!). Those got black paint and now this project gets just the opposite.....white. I'll give you the steps just in case you ever want to give yours a new look.

The ugly bi-fold doors came down and were sanded. They had been stained like all of the woodwork in the house.

The plan for trim was made and pieces were cut.

I glued the trim on with Liquid Nails adhesive. I like using it better than wood glue on these old 1970's hollow-core bi-fold doors. It seems to stick quicker.

We clamped the trim pieces in place while they were drying.

We kept checking for square.....important.


I decided to use wallpaper (that matched my border in the room) on the center section of my doors. The wallpaper was cut using a square as well. I glued it on with Wallpaper adhesive.                       

Here is one door with all the trim and wallpaper is place

Next the entire door was primed with Zinsser Primer. This was followed with two coats of Sherman Williams, Extra White in a Satin Finish.

The finished closet doors:



The glass knobs are vintage finds that go so perfectly in this room.

You can see the matching wallpaper near the ceiling in this picture. Finally (because it took me a while to get this finished)............Another successful closet door makeover.



  1. What did you use to paint with? I've been doing to the same project (minus the wallpaper) to our closet doors and I'm having trouble getting a smooth finish.

  2. I always prime first. I use Zinsser Primer and brush on a light coat. After that is dry I brush on two coats of Sherwin Williams, Cashmere, Interior Latex in Satin Finish. I use a good brush meant for latex paints. This paint is also what I prefer for the walls in my home (although I usually use a flat finish for the walls). It really goes on smoothly. Hope this helps.....good luck on your project.
