
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

We're so excited...and we just can't hide it!

For years, we've attended the Paris Street Market during the summer months in Littleton. Now we have some very exiting news to share!

But first, here's how the normal visit to the show would go:

  • Kandy wouldn't sleep the night before, dreaming of all the wonderful finds and treasures.
  • We'd wake up early on Saturday morning, get ready and be prepared to head out the door at 7:45. (The show opens at 8:00 am).
  • For several years, parking was a breeze, but the last few years the show has been growing in popularity and now it's difficult to find a spot to park.
  • For a couple hours we would walk up and down the aisles, in and out of the booths.  Each visit would produce something unique and perfect for one of our homes.
  • We'd bring the treasure home and marvel at the fact that it was "a find" that no one else had.
The coffee table came from the market
The side tables in the guest room came from the market
The cute luggage rack came from the market

The buffet was originally purchased for Brent's townhouse. Karli purchased the two chairs and white coffee table as well.
The fun light fixture was a market find. Karli just had to install new wiring.

This year, the timing was finally right...Now it's our turn to have a booth and share our unique finds with visitors. It's fun to see the tables turn...

We were selected by the jury (many popular shows operate this way...they don't just accept any vendor that wants to exhibit) and were granted a spot at the August show!

Now the fun begins. We're busy scouring garage and estate sales...heck, even "trash" on the side of the road. All in an effort to bring you, the people, fun pieces of furniture and decor that you can show off with pride in your homes.

We'll be sharing some previews in the coming months on the blog.

We hope you'll come out to see us in August!

~Kandy and Karli

1 comment:

  1. I love your finds! The white chairs and table are adorable. Love the characteristics in all of those pieces.
